Thursday, July 20, 2017

George H. W. Bush Would Hate My Quiche

Quick and easy Broccoli and Cheddar Cheese Quiche.  My quick, go-to meal when I forget to plan a meal, or need to prepare a meal for a friend or family member.

  Eggs, cheese, broccoli, sauteed onions, cream, and salt and pepper poured into a homemade crust.

For the crust:

1) Mix salt and flour
2) Mix oil and VERY cold water with a whisk.
3) Pour oil mixture into the salt/flour, mix then press into your quiche pan.

For the quiche:

1) Onions, Broccoli, shredded cheddar cheese, eggs, cream, salt, pepper mixed well then poured into your crust.  Bake for approx 45 minutes at 350 degrees.

Fact:  President George H. W. Bush hates Broccoli

You can create your own filling with your favorite veggies and cheese, or maybe, a cheese and meat, or just all veggies for a Meatless Monday dish.  Yes, quiche and salad are perfect for those crazy weekend dinners.


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