Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Christmas in July with Bacon Wrap

 Why wait for the Winter holidays when you can fire up your smoker and make a holiday meal in July!

 We had the itch for a holiday meal so we made turkeys for Christmas in July.  One is a seasoned turkey and the other is a turkey with a bacon wrap.

  As you can see, we always add seasoned butter under the skin for flavor and to keep the turkey moist while cooking. To see how we season our butter, please see post: So, A chicken Walks into a Bar & Grill. 

 We also added in some wings--our philosophy is: if the smoker is fired up, use all the racks!  

Yes! It smells like the holidays in our house today!  Yummy!

Happy Christmas in July! 

It's time to enjoy our holiday meal!  

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