Monday, August 28, 2017

This is a "stick-up"...

Mark LOVES food-on-a-stick, so this past week I agreed to eat an entire meal on a stick, but it had to include steak. We picked up a buy one, get one free steak from our local Acme Market then built our entire meal around the beef using vegetables we had in our house and a few items from our garden.

We used; mushrooms, pre-boiled potatoes, onions, we also added in peppers and grape tomatoes from (The Kordes Fresh Garden).  

We seasoned each meal with salt and pepper and grilled them on medium heat for 4 minutes, then turned them for another 3 minutes.  

Oh, So Good!

We made a total of 22 sticks to feed 4 four of us. We had plenty of leftovers.

We served this meal with a Spicy BBQ Sauce. 

We were not compensated by Acme Markets for this post.

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