Sunday, May 28, 2017

Can You Spare a Rib?

Slow Cooked / Smoked Pork Ribs with Coffee Rub

Pork Ribs
 Slow cooked, smoked pork ribs are not for those who prefer the 5-minute, microwave-to-plate-dinners.

 Our slow, smoked pork ribs are worth the wait for those who enjoy sharing a few beers with company while you wait for the final product.

 We prefer the a coffee rub for a deep, rich flavor, but choose your spices to pair with your favorite beer or cocktail.

Seasoned Pork Ribs with our Special Coffee Rub

Finished Smoked Pork Ribs


Spicy, Smoked Nuts. We smoked pistachio nuts (with shells) using a spicy , smoked recipe from a friend.  Always READ the recipe before y...